
A poster with the words "Ask. Get consent" as the focus. The letters of that statement resemble a ransom letter. There is a woman with duct tape over her mouth and a thought bubble with a condom in it. The poster is in grey scale except for the letters and gives off an uneasy vibe.A poster advertising a Minecraft charity stream. It has a bright green coloring and uplifiting vibe. It also has a minecraft dirt block in the middleTwo powerpoint slides that are titled "Paula Scher" and "Table of contents". There is a colorful wavy vertical layered graphic taking up the right side of the slides.A screenshot of a mobile home page for an "Ask consent" campaign. The navigation bar on top has a duct tape texture. The main image is a woman with duct tape over her mouth and big words saying "Ask Consent". There are two red buttons moving down that say "Get the facts" and "Report". Moving down there is a "learn the facts" paragraph teaching about sexual assault statistics. And at the bottom there is a form to report instances.Poster for a haunted hay ride event. Features dangerous looking saws, glowing wolf eyes in bushes, and text over the graphics with a creepy typeface. A poster for an ad campaign called "Unleash the byte". Features lineart of a mouse dangling from the top of the poster and a whole computer set up with a double screen monitor showing the logo of the Mad Dog gaming gear company.A screenshot of a desktop website called "Grapevine" it features a geometric  logo resembling a clump of grapes. A large map in the center with dots on the map pinning locations. And a large body of text underneath describing resources for sexual assault around Rochester New York.A series of 5 screenshots from a mobile app that is depicting a pick up system for a childcare place. In order from left to right it shows the login screen, a chat function, a queue for kids to be pciked up, a profile page for the parent, and a messaging screen with a keyboard.Three screenshots of a mobile application that depict a remote controller for dimming the moon and changing its phase that its currently in. THe second screenshot has a calendar and the third is another version of a moon controller.a mobile and webiste sized veiw of a website called "Let Me In". There are 5 buttons on the screen with images of places someone would need to access a building. there is a long purple header on top, and text that says "Welcome to Computer Science House"60 different icons that are mostly a dark purple that depict different representations of energy, solar energy, tariff data, energy storage, power grids, and other statuses of websites. Most are circular but some are stand alone icons.